Thursday, February 7, 2008

Preparing for Spring

Spring may still be a ways off, and there has certainly been no signs of robins, a spare fly or any signs of new life! Thank god, because now is the time to begin thinking about what types of bulbs you have. Did they need to be taken in over the winter? I know sometimes I forget, and have found mushy and soft bulbs in the soil the following spring. No new signs of life there! It is important to read packages to see what types of temperatures bulbs take. Just remember, the longer you have bulbs, the more full and beautiful they become. Age does wonders in terms of bulbs in garden setting!

Young plants of all types may struggle the 1st couple years until they get established. Providing frequent water in the fall, clipping back dead or crowded branches and providing fertilizer are all ways to help increase viability in the winter months. By doing so, you're plants will sure appreciate the help! click here to find some help in trimming up branches of trees and bushes.

Raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries are all plants that provide adequate summer fruit when treated properly. It is important that you pay attention to the plant! For example, strawberries require lots of frequent water because their root structure is easily dried out in how weather because of it's shallow roots. Raspberries are said to be easy keepers. I beg to alter that and add in there if provided LOTS of water in the fall. I should know, as I'm pretty confident I've got them down after the third try! Blueberries, depending on variety can also withstand cold winters. Acid soils is what blueberries love. In fact, the correct acidic soil mixture with some fall fertilizer will help them withstand cold much better than a weak plant! click here for some raspberries that will create baskets of summer treats!

There is plenty of things to think about before the signs of spring appear. Please stay away for a while longer robins! I'm surely not ready yet!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My poor blueberries!

We just came out of the deep freeze! It's quite sad when 10 degrees above zero feels like a heat wave! It's nice to see the weather get back to a more normal state, but it's leaving me anxious to find out how my poor blueberries are feeling!

I ordered 2 blueberry plants last spring for something different. Like I've mentioned before, I've always got to have something new and exciting going on. That was one of the projects last year. They did quite well through the summer. I was scared getting them established for the simple fact that we do not have acidic soil, which is what they thrive in. I've come to realize peat moss is my other best friend. Beside using it for my baby chicks, the blueberries did quite well in a 80-90% peat based soil. I also added evergreen and pine cones, as they say that is supposed to help to provide winter protection.

They say my poor blueberries can survive winter time temps of 30-40 below zero, so this past stretch I'm sure was pushing my blueberries buttons! Oh how I hope they make it!!!!

Check out my site for other fun outdoor projects! Just click here

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Making use of the COLD!

Snow, skiing, blustery weather and even something they call a blizzard is bound to occur every now and then. Being raised in the North, I've come to realize that you can either get depressed with the cold and dreary days, I can decide to find something productive to do! I opt for the later!

I love planning garden planting plans. For 2008 I'm debating on exactly what to do. I like to spice up my garden planting from year to year. Last year was the 2nd year I've had a garden, and it was quite successful I might say. But I'm thinking I may need some more room. I love watermelon, pumpkins, and cantaloupe, and my current garden patch is just about too small to get it all in there! I'm pretty sure my vining plants are going to have their own garden. They oftentimes require more water than the regular garden as well, so it will be a win win situation!

I also LOVE raising all sorts of berries! I have had strawberries for the past 4 years, and have started raspberries and blueberries in 2007. I can not wait to get a taste of them again!

Some people look at garden as a lot of work! I look at it as a relaxing time. I have been very fortunate to not have many weeds. I think I spend at least an hour a night pulling what I can and talking to my plants! ha ha ... Maybe that's why they do so well!

But anyways, I've been doing some research online looking for a good rototiller beings I'll be about doubling my garden work! I have a neighbor that has a big garden tiller. He's planning on coming over this spring to dig a "vine patch". If you're looking for an informative site regarding rototiller help and advice, I suggest you check it out!

PS ~ I just purchased a mantis for myself. Not too far off the leaves will be budding and spring will be here! I can't wait!!! Meanwhile I guess I'll just keep thinking of more ideas for my backyard!